Bible Verse for the Final Day.
Reid, Blade and Regann continue the TruthQuest Adventure on the last day.
The final hunt for "The Ultimate Treasure"
Reid tells the children that after all of the treasure hunting this week, they’re finally about to discover "The Ultimate Treasure!
"Today we start out with a story of how God’s word can be twisted so that people don’t understand what it really says. Casey has a friend by the name of Bobby who one day glued his tongue to the roof of his mouth. And why would he do that? He told Casey he was trying to be a good christian!" Well, it seems like Bobby heard a guest speaker at the neighborhood Bible Study say that Ezekiel 3:26 says, “Make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth!” So he thought that’s what he needed to do to be a good christian. If Bobby had read the Bible for himself, he would know that it really says, “I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you will be silent and unable to rebuke them, for they are a rebellious house.”
Here is what the full story says in Ezekiel. “Go, shut yourself up in your house. There you will be bound with ropes so you cannot go out among the people. And I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so you won’t be able to pray for them, for they are rebellious. But whenever I give you a message, I will loosen your tongue and let you speak. Then you will say to them, “This is what the sovereign Lord says!”
Reid talked to the children about "The Ultimate Treasure". It’s the most important treasure of all. "The truth that we’ve all been searching for leads right to Jesus, and that’s where we learn that we all need him! Jesus can save us all and help us to live for God instead of doing evil. All of your TruthQuests should lead you to him. That’s why reading your Bible is so important. The Bible was written so that we would learn about Jesus and believe in him. He is the greatest treasure we can discover."
Regann asked Reid to tell her and the kids how to make Jesus the treasure of out hearts. Reid explained that the first thing is to realize that you need him. We’re all full of sin. Without Jesus to take away our sin, we can never go to heaven.
Reid then read from the Bible, in Romans 3:10, that “There is no one righteous, not even one.” Then in verse 23 it says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Another verse is from 1 John 1:8. It says, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”
Then from Romans 3:22, it says that “Righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” And reading further in Romans 6:23 it says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
A little fun game for the kids on the last day.
Getting all those clothes on and off quickly can be a challenge.
Craft for the day.
"Is that a clue I see through this magnifying glass?"
Regann the Reporter now has her story. She says, "So that’s it! That’s what TruthQuest is all about! The treasure and truth that we all seek is Jesus. All real truth should lead us to Jesus.
And so concludes the children's quest to find "The Ultimate Treasure", Jesus.
Parents, families and friends came to see first-hand what the children had learned during the week and heard them sing their four songs. "It's Time for a TruthQuest", "Be A Berean", "The Science Song" and 'Hide It".
The children sing for the final time.
God, we thank you for these precious children and hope that they have found their "Ultimate Treasure", your Son, Jesus. Please watch over them and guide them to grow up to be honest and truthful citizens of this great land. Amen.
A big THANK YOU to all the kids who attended the 2012 Jamestown UMC Vacation Bible School. Also, a big THANK YOU to all the parents who allowed us to teach your children about God's word, being truthful and how to let Jesus into our hearts.
Thanks to our VBS Leaders, Celeste Weesner and Angela Cook for a great job in organizing the 2012 VBS.
VBS was also a great success because of the outstanding staff of volunteers that helped with all the children and worked in the various activities.
Tammy Sue Moore | Jane Rapp | Deb Beehler |
Celeste Weesner | Becky Buss | Gary Buss |
Geneva Cook | Caitlyn Wenger | Angela Cook |
Sue Cook | Ray Hochstetler | Marcia Clark |
Marta Clark | Mariah Rogers | Gail Greenlee |
Jana Risemas | Pastor Paul | Sarah Miller |
Micah Rogers | Mark Cook | Jeff Clark |
Rachel Gladieux | Teresa Rogers | Joy Moore |
Sharon Hirstein | Jacob Biller | Jill Biller |
Curt Wenger | LeRoy Schrock | Erin Skibbe |
Renee Wenger | Roberta Mann | Tyler Wenger |
Lana Berg | Regann Cook | Olivia Usenick |
Mitch Polston |
Thanks also to those individuals that gave donations that were used as props, class materials and overall program needs.
Larry Pappas | LuAnn Pontius | Marcia Clark |
Joyce Cook | Geri Angel | Marta Clark |
Helen Wernicke | Gary & Becky Buss | Jane Rapp |
UM Men's Group | Susie Allender | Jeff Clark |
Liz Biggs | Carolyn Landis | Marti Stickel |
Linda Squibb | Mark & Angela Cook | Gary & Marcia Cook |
Jan Bender | Geneva Cook |
Please accept our apologies for any names not mentioned in the lists of Volunteers & Donors.
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