Vacation Bible School 2017
The 2017 Vacation Bible School was held from July 16th to July 20th.
Registering the children are Rita Peat, Sharon Hirstein and Lana Berg.
Day 1
After registration, the children assembled in the sanctuary for...
Steve and Pam led the children throughout the week with learning songs and Bible verses.
On Day 1, the children learned the Bible verse from Psalm 139:14.
Day 1 Class Time
Did you know that the length of your arm span is the same as your height?
Children learned that their lungs expand and contract
similar to the way balloons expand and contract.
Did you know that the length of your foot is the same length as your forearm?
(measured from elbow to wrist)
Day 1 Game Time
Children Create Their Own "Hop-Scotch" Pattern
Day 1 Snack Time
Pastor Steve asks Blessing before Snack Time.
Joyce gives directions to the children about the snack.
Jake tells the children a story and shows a video during snack time.
Day 2
On Day 2, the children learned the Bible verse from Romans 8:31.
Day 2 Class Time
Day 2 Game Time
Day 2 Snack Time
At the beginning of Snack Time on Day 2, the children sang Happy Birthday to Andrea.
Day 3
On Day 3, the children learned the Bible verse from Joshua 1:9.
Day 3 Class Time
Day 3 Game Time
Be Prepared to Get Wet!!
Really, Dave! Looking for TROUBLE?
Day 3 Snack Time
Day 4
On Day 4, the children learned the Bible verse from Psalms 89:2.
Day 4 Class Time
Day 4 Game Time
Another Wet Day?!
Day 5
On this last day of VBS, parents were invited to a program so the children could show them what they learned during the week. The first hour was used for the children to practice their songs and all the verses-of-the-day.
VBS Director Andrea Loft welcomes the parents and thanks all the VBS volunteers.
Class Teachers, Jeff Clark and Marta Clark tell the parents
some of the things the children learned during Class Time.
Children recite the verses learned from Day 1 and Day 2.
Children recite the verses learned from Day 3 and Day 4.
Pastor Steve addresses the parents thanking them
for allowing their children to participate in VBS.
He also thanked the children for coming and
enjoying their time at VBS during the week.
Lord, thank you for bringing these children to us & giving us the opportunity to teach them about themselves and that You made them, You are for them, You are always with them and You will always love them. Bless these young lives that they may grow to follow You, Trust in You and & be Your disciples. Amen.
Thank You!
Thank you parents for allowing us to teach your children during their time at VBS 2017, at "Maker Fun Factory". We hope their experiences during VBS will be a lasting memory that they will pass on to others so that they too will Trust in the Lord with all their Heart.
Thanks to Andrea Loft, our VBS Director and to those who volunteered
and put in the many hours to make VBS a success.
This list of outstanding volunteers gave their time and energy to
help with the children and other activities.
Jane Rapp | Kathy Hinegardner | Cindy Campbell |
Deb Beehler | Becky Buss | Gary Buss |
Marcia Clark | Gail Greenlee | Angela Cook |
Jim Eggleston | Rita Peat | Erin Kennedy |
Steve Mann | Roberta Mann | Jill Biller |
Marta Clark | Ray Hochstetler | Lana Berg |
Jeff Clark | Melanie Clark | Greg Clark |
Connie Starkey | Sharon Hirstein | Sharon Shinn |
Pastor Steve Loft | Andrea Loft | Steve Allen |
Pam Allen | Dave Polston | Joyce Polston |
Warren Allender | Susi Allender | Jake Biller |
Every effort was made to include in this presentation, photos of every child that attended VBS. It's possible that someone was missed because of the various activities going on at the same time. Our apologies if we missed any child.
If any name was omitted from the above lists, please notify the webmaster of this site.
(See CONTACTS on the HOME page.)